Sunday, 27 October 2013

Relaxer Day - October 2013

If you follow my Instagram, you will notice that I was experimenting with different styles recently - the main reason is that my new growth was becoming a bit too much to handle for me.

So, Saturday 26/10/2013 was relaxer, this time I went to the hairdressers.  She used Affirm relaxer and got my hair super straight.  I gave her permission to cut of two inches, and she said she took off 1.5 and put a long layer in the middle (cos my hair is really thinning there).  asked her to trim off what I needed trimming and she took of about 1.5 inches.  So I think all of the length that I gained.  Sigh.  My friends are natural and suggesting I go natural too, but I want to reach my goal first.

Here's how it looks at the moment.



  1. Your hair color is really pretty!

  2. Nice braid out and your hair color is very pretty!

    1. Thanks Tomes I still haven't quite mastered the braidout, but I'm getting there.

  3. Lovely colour. I live in London and I'm looking for a new hair dresser. Could you please send me the name and address of the hairdressers you went to, for a relaxer touch-up? Thanks.

    1. Hi Bee, I went to Cutty Sharp for my touch up. Here's a link to their website.

    2. Thank you, will check out the link

  4. The shine and color of your hair is incredible! My favorite styles here are the neat donut bun and your defined braidout!

  5. I absolutely LOVE the colour of your hair and the length too!!! Gorgeous :)

  6. did you bleach your hair or anything with adore , how did you get your color


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