I know it's been a while, so I thought I'd provide an update, albeit a couple of months late! Oops.
I relaxed my hair on 23/02/2014, the first relaxer of the year. To do this I used the ORS Relaxer. I had purchased the Super one, and decided to add a conditioner to the relaxer to dilute it so it didn't process as fast. I'm so glad I did this as it took me about 30 minutes to get through my whole head and to smooth. I did time myself to make sure I didn't go over the time. I was just too lazy to go through the long process of the half and half method, I just wanted it all done as quick as possible. This is not normally a good thing, as when I rush, I often make mistakes, but thankfully, there were no mistakes this time.
After rinsing out the relaxer I towel dried and added the dye to my hair as normal. I then put on the plastic cap for 20 minutes and processed with heat before I rinsed and air dried. Here are a few pictures.
My hair sectioned prior to applying the relaxer |
Hairstyle |
Ponytail airdried |
Hi....I posted on ur u tube channel about how u got this gorgeous red colour but wasn't sure if up c it , so am posting ere too. Plz can u tell me da steps u took to get da colour bright etc. Thks